Inspired by biology, MAINFRAME senses, interprets and responds in order to support or change it's environment.

Synthetic State aims to create living technology designed to augment our cold and lifeless digital technology. The digital infrastructure society is built upon uses rigid and simplistic 1's and 0's, but humans and natural ecosystems are far more organic, free-flowing and wave-like.

This creates a concerning disconnect, one which will only grow as we continue to use digital technology to communicate with each other, consume information and to understand the natural world.We believe many issues we face today are caused by the disconnect between the organic and inorganic technologies. Virtual tribalism, viral panic, algorithmic inequality and inaccurate ecosystem modeling are part of the growing list of concerns.

We believe future technologies should become empathetic and feeling systems, which can better adapt to the collective well-being of society and the environment.

To address this need, since 2015 we have conceptualized a completely novel branch of computing, one which interprets, feels and flows like a wave. Once integrated within digital systems, they will add life to this otherwise lifeless technology. All of our projects have been a sequential exploration into how this new technology will be designed, presented and adopted.

We believe that all technologies must exist to serve a purpose and fulfill a need and must also be made economical, scalable, marketable and compatible with existing systems. Hence why the majority of our projects were designed as products and solutions for consumers and business.

Areas of Research:

Machine Empathy: Giving "feeling" to technology in order to deeply understand humans, biological entities and environments
Natural Interfaces
Emotional Recognition, Interpretation and Expression
Multisensory Synchronization and Experience Generation

Potential Applications:

Living Spaces
Environmental Monitoring
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